IELTS: The world’s most popular English test for Canadian citizenship

Why choose IELTS for your Canadian citizenship

Accepted and trusted by over 700 organisations in Canada, including

Why take IELTS?

IELTS, a global leader in English language testing, is essential for immigration, academic pursuits, and professional endeavours worldwide

IELTS education

Access to Higher Education

Getting a good IELTS score can be a requirement for entry to universities and academic programs in English-speaking countries, facilitating your educational aspirations

Immigration with IELTS

Immigration and Visa

Some countries use IELTS as part of immigration visa requirements, helping you meet the language criteria needed to settle abroad.

IELTS worldwide

Internationally Accepted

IELTS is accepted by thousands of educational institutions, employers and government organizations around the world, giving you global opportunities and is one of the English test for Canadian citizenship.

Jobs with IELTS

Career Advancement

Many companies and employers require an IELTS score to assess candidates’ English proficiency, which can boost your career and open doors to international jobs.

Do you want to know what are the language requirements for Canadian citizenship?

There are two official languages in Canada: English and French. In this regard, to qualify for citizenship, you must demonstrate that you have knowledge of the language. If you want to apply for Canadian citizenship, you must prove that you can communicate in English with different people and that they can understand you as well, so having IELTS English test for Canadian citizenship certification is a strong reason to be accepted as this English test can help you reach your goals.

IRCC has concluded that Canadian Language Level 4 (CLB) or Canadian Language Competency Level (NCLC) is the language assessment descriptor most consistent with current citizenship laws.

A group of test takers sat in booths with headphones on, sitting IELTS on computers.